Temporarily stop working until roblox stops scanning
I will resume selling accounts with a 24-hour warranty from the time of purchase (Just send it to me in the format user/pass). After 24 hours, I will no longer provide support for that order . This policy also applies to accounts sold before this announcement since I see that everyone is now selling accounts with a 24-hour warranty.
From my observations, accounts are usually disabled ( got sercurity notification ) within 3 to 7 days after the farming process is completed.Sometimes, accounts may get disabled even sooner. I will manually filter web cookies daily to prevent people from purchasing accounts that have already triggered a "security notification" and then having to message me for a refund.I will work on coding an automated system to filter web cookies dead every minute.
When I start selling again, I will ping everyone. If anyone wants a refund for previously purchased accounts, feel free to reach out to me. I will issue refunds on the website if I find it reasonable.
I apologize for the policy change, but since Roblox has introduced many new policies, I have no choice but to follow them.
Since it's currently the holiday season in Vietnam, I'm taking a trip with my family. I will be back after February 9, 2025.